MPE Olandiża ġejja Malta titlob lil Muscat iwaqqaf il-kaċċa fir-rebbiegħa

Anja Hazekamp tgħid li f’Malta jinqatlu 100,000 tajra fis-sena

Anja Hazenkamp, Olandiża mill-grupp Nordiku tal-‘ħodor xellugin’ bagħtet petizzjoni lill-Membri Parlamentari kollha fil-Parlament Ewropew b’ittra biex tiġi ffirmata qabel tingħata lil Prim Ministru Malti biex iwaqqaf il-kaċċa fir-rebbiegħa. Fl-ittra tagħha, l-MPE li s-sena li għaddiet rebħet l-unur bħala l-aktar MPE li tħobb l-annimali u li hi stess tmexxi l-partit tal-annimali qalet kif riċentament, Malta ħabbret li fil-25 ta’ Marzu se jinfetaħ l-istaġun tal-kaċċa.

Hazenkamp qed tgħid li l-kaċċa fuq l-għasafar migratorji jikostitwixxi periklu għall-għasafar individwali u s-sostennibbiltà tal-popolazzjoni tal-għasafar. Għalhekk qalet li se tiġi Malta l-ġimgħa li ġejja b’din il-petizzjoni u se tħeġġeġ lill-Gvern Malti li jwaqqaf il-kaċċa fir-rebbiegħa minn issa għal dejjem. Qalet ukoll li se tissottometti din il-petizzjoni personali lill-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat. Fl-ittra ta’ petizzjoni qed tgħid li f’Malta aktar minn 100,000 tajra qed tiġi maqtula kull sena, fosthom is-summien u l-gamiem. Issemmi wkoll li qed isir ħafna qtil illegali sew bil-kaċċa bil-lejl u anke f’siti ta’ Natura 2000.

Din hi l-ittra li ntbagħet lil kull membru parlamentari Ewropew biex tiġi ffirmata:


Brussels, 21 March 2017

Honourable Prime Minister Joseph Muscat,

We, the undersigned Members of European Parliament, would like to address our concerns over the ongoing bird hunting in Malta.

According to nature conservation organizations, each year more than 100.000 birds are killed in Malta (1). Among those are species of which the populations are in serious decline, such as turtle-doves and quails.

Unfortunately, illegal practices are still being recorded. Unacceptable practices, such as the use of illegal bird traps, the killing of endangered species and the hunting by night and/or in areas protected by Natura2000 keep on occurring.

Furthermore, bird hunting during the period of reproduction or during the return to rearing grounds is in breach with Article 7 of Directive 2009/147/EC. Such practices constitute a serious danger for the welfare of both the individual animals and the sustainability of the populations as a whole.

Following a recent public consultation, the European Commission reconfirmed the importance of the EU Birds Directive. In this context, the Commission called on the Member States to speed up the proper implementation of the Birds and Habitats Directives. As Malta is currently holding the EU Presidency, we count on the Maltese government to take the lead in this matter.

More specifically, we count on the Maltese government to set an example by swiftly and properly implementing the Birds and Habitats Directives in order to guarantee a substantial improvement in the protection of nature areas in general, and (migratory) birds in particular. Therefore, we call on you:


·         to stop the hunt on migratory birds during spring

·         to prohibit the use of all kinds of bird traps

·         to increase the efforts to track down and stop any illegal hunting activities

We look forward to cooperate with you in order to achieve these important goals.

Sincerely yours,

Anja Hazekamp (GUE/NGL)


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