Daqshekk nies bilwieqfa fuq tal-linja! L-MPT tħabbar sitt miżuri ...
B'effett immedjat mhux se jitħallew passiġġiera bilwieqfa fuq tal-linja li qed titnaddaf kuljum

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B'effett immedjat mhux se jitħallew passiġġiera bilwieqfa fuq tal-linja li qed titnaddaf kuljum
Fi stqarrija il-Malta Public Transport qalet illi qed timplimenta numru ta' miżuri biex tħares l-interess u s-saħħa tal-passiġġiera, wara konsultazzjoni u qbil mal-awtoritajiet.
Il-miżuri huma dawn:
"Għall-Malta Public Transport is-saħħa u s-sigurtà tal-passiġġier huma l-ewwel prioriotà. Il-kumpanija se tkompli tieħu l-miżuri skont livelli differenti tal-pjan ikkordinat mal-awtoritajiet."
5. As of Thursday 12 March, the company adopted a “No Change” policy to limit the amount of cash that is exchanged between passengers and drivers. Therefore, passengers are required to provide exact change when buying their tickets.
6. The company has taken all the necessary precautions that have been announced by the Government. This includes travel and quarantine restrictions.
Malta Public Transport maintains that the health and safety of its employees and its passengers is a top priority. The company will continue to issue updates with measures that are being implemented, according to the different levels set in the critical plan that has been coordinated with the authorities.