Il-personalità televiżiva Moira Delia dalgħodu poġġiet ritratti tat-traffiku f'San Ġiljan fejn kitbet speċi ta' ittra inidrizzata lill-Awtorità tat-Trasport u lil kunsill lokali ta' San Ġiljan hekk. Din in-nota kienet tgħid xi ħaġa hekk -
Dear Transport Malta & St. Julians local council please please please sort out the traffic problem we have in this area! This is the ONLY way out of St.Julians.....Can you imagine an ambulance driving through this?! Impossible!
Eks player tat-team nazzjonali Graham Bencini kiteb hekk:
WHAT A MESS !!! St.julians (road next to independent) is closed....diverted to another road...this diversion has now also been ure once again diverted to the road down to Cafe ole (next to old palms)...45 mins later u get to the diversion to Cafe ole and guess's closed u are diverted once again to road leading to saddles...65 mins later I'm at the roundabout next to the "Love" sign...and some idiot had tried to fool us in saying that Traffic is just a perception !!! BTW. ..I'm still stuck in traffic !!!
diversi membri tal-pubbliku oħra komplew fuq dawn l-istatuses b'dan il-mod:
Paul Vella - Had the same perception myself...came down from San Gwann towards Savoy, road closed so I was diverted to Ta Giorni, down Bkara hill expecting to come out near City where there was a warden directing traffic towards Spinola! There was another warden in one of the side streets blocking that street...when I got to near Banif...there was another warden who tried to direct me back to Ta Giorni up Lapsi Street as there was a truck blocking the way!! I told him there was no way I was going back up to where I had just come from...he tried to argue and was let you through by the truck driver who moved his vehicle! All in all 35 minutes plus for what should have taken at most 3!!