Saviour Balzan is the founder and co-owner of MaltaToday. He has reported on Maltese politics and society for the last 30 years. In his early days he was actively involved in the Green lobby and later the Green Party. He put politics behind him two decades ago and immersed himself in journalism, working to set up newspapers such as il-Fehma, l-Alternattiva, The People and The Independent daily. MaltaToday was launched in 1999 and soon became the leading no holds barred issue oriented newspaper. In recent years he has been engaged in setting up the digital edition of MaltaToday and a Maltese Sunday newspaper Illum. He has also hosts a TV programme Reporter. In February of last year he published his first book ‘Saying as it Is,’ Volume I.

Saviour Balzan | Aħleb Ġuż u l-UĦM
Mintoff kien magħruf għall-frażi, "aħleb Ġuż" u hekk sirna,...
Saviour Balzan |  La tmisshomx!
'Bħal ma argumentajt drabi oħra, s-sagriffiċji qed jagħmilhom kulħadd,...
Saviour Balzan | Il-froġa ta’ Doreen Parnis
'Niftakar li kont għidtlu lil Joseph Muscat u kien baqa' sieket. ...
Azzopardi kien uża sala mingħajr ħlas mingħand ta' Tumas fil-kampanja elettorali tal-2008
Jason Azzopardi b'litanija ta' servizzi b'xejn minn lukandi u...
Għadha miftuħa inkjesta dwar irregolaritajiet fil-Lands fi żmien Jason Azzopardi
Jason Azzopardi jinsisti li l-inkjesta mhijiex dwaru u li hu ma kellu xejn...
Saviour Balzan |  Mela le ... u l-104,000 ħaddiema l-oħra?
Il-problema hi li dan hu pajjiż fejn minn jgħajjat u jsabbat...
Aġġornata | Ivan Camilleri kkonfrontat minn sid ta' Supermarket dwar każ ta' serq
F'risposta fuq il-paġna tiegħu ta' Facebook Camilleri qal li nesa...
Opinjoni | Se nivvota għall-kontinwità bi proviso
Saviour Balzan jgħid tiegħu dwar l-elezzjonijiet tal-Parlament Ewropew u ma...